The amount of light passing through a lens is defined by __

amazon quiz answers march 2021

Hello guys, welcome to our latest post on the topic of “The amount of light passing through a lens is defined by __ ” which is a fill in the blank type question asked in amazon quiz from where you can win many rewards by playing quiz’s on amazon.

The amount of light passing through a lens is defined by __ (amazon quiz)

The amount of light passing through a lens is defined by __ (fill in the blank)

Options given in the quiz are:

  1. Shutter Speed
  2. Aperture
  3. Film Speed
  4. Exposure

Answer: The correct option of this answer is Aperture.

Conclusion: So, Aperture is the correct answer for the question you are searching on amazon, we hope you will also be one of the winner from the given prizes. If you found this answers correct then share it with your family and friends who are also the users of Amazon and Likes to play amazon quiz’s.

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